Hans Christian Forsaa - In Remembrance

It is with sad news that we have to say that Hans Christian died in April 2010 and will no longer be able to fulfill his wish to help the project in the Spring of 2010 Hans Christian has been a gardener in Narvik for twenty years and has taken care of the war graves. His father and uncles participated in the independent war for freedom during the 2WW. They have told him the history. Narvik has a Warmuseum and H-C. has been involved in building it up. He possesses a compass from a H.M.S.Hardy/lifeboat . http://www.vrakdykking.com/narvik6.htm and a gyro compass from a German bomber. Other interests are geology, hunting and fishing and boy scouting. Narvik is the end station for the railway line Ofotbanen. The railway are carrying iron ore from Kiruna in Sweden to Narvik where the ships are taking it out all over the world.Above all he is a good photographer and has been represented in photo exibitions all over the world and is the chairman in Narvik photoclub. His images has been in Paysly UK. Now he has a bad knee, but he is helping the project and will continue with Ballangen Cemetery when the spring is Here in 2010."
The project relies solely on volunteer help. If you believe you can help in any way (photographing, admin, sponsorship, etc) then please contact us. If you would like to help with the photography please download the Guidance and Volunteer policy PDF via link on the volunteers page.