Jon Wort

Jon Wort graduated from Bangor University with a degree in Zoology and Marine Zoology. He was commissioned into the Duke of Edinburgh’s Royal Regiment (Berkshire and Wiltshire) after training at Sandhurst. During his service he served in Germany, UK (including 3 operational tours of Northern Ireland) and Hong Kong attaining the rank of Major. He left the Army after 9 years and worked in the Health Insurance Industry before taking a career change into Information Technology and the innovation of Digital Identity before moving to the training environment, where he has held appointments as a Contracts Manager delivering work based learning to the MOD and Business Development Manager. He set up resilient Training and Consultancy Ltd in Oct 2005 to specifically address the training requirements associated with the Civil Contingencies Act and command and leadership training. On leaving the Regular Army he joined the Territorial Army and has served in a variety of roles over the past 15 years and more recently was appointed to the role of Deputy Joint Regional Liaison Officer for the South West, where he has spent the last 2 years attending Local Resilience Forum meetings (especially Training and exercise sub groups). He also had the opportunity to co-ordinate the Reception Arrangements for Military Patients into civil airfields in the South West during the recent Gulf conflict. He is married with 2 children and hobbies include Rugby (having played Combined services in Hong Kong), Hill walking and Battlefield tours having taken Royal British Legion Heroes Return tours to Crete, North East India (Kohima and Imphal) and Burma (Mandalay and the Arakan).
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