Bob Taylor

Croydon. I hail from the Northeast, born in Walker on Tyne. Served in the Royal Air Force 1965 to 1990. Currently working as a Buildings Manager and living in Surrey. I became interested in this project via the "Service Pals" website, and have also done photography for otherProjects as well as The War Graves Photgraphic Project I thoroughly enjoy being a volunteer, and enjoy getting out and about for this very worthwhile project, the most recent being part of the team for "Operation Tribute 2006" photographing headstones around the Somme. A memorable and sometimes moving experience as well as the pleasure of meeting other enthusiasts on a very enjoyable trip.
The project relies solely on volunteer help. If you believe you can help in any way (photographing, admin, sponsorship, etc) then please contact us. If you would like to help with the photography please download the Guidance and Volunteer policy PDF via link on the volunteers page.