David Marez

I am 41, married with two children and I work as a Human Resources manager for a public utilities company. I have been doing research on the 16th Infantry Bn. for more than 20 years. I am the godfather of the grave of an American soldier Clifford Kennedy, Sergeant in the Infrantry Bn., who rests at Bony in Aisnes. I have walked in the CWGC War Grave sites in the Normandy, Nord, and Pas-de-Calais regions. I only understood the sacrifices of the British troops during the battle of Arras in 1917, a little while ago. Finally, since I have watched a film telling the story of the Argyll & Sutherlands POW of the Japanese, I am interested in this unit.
The project relies solely on volunteer help. If you believe you can help in any way (photographing, admin, sponsorship, etc) then please contact us. If you would like to help with the photography please download the Guidance and Volunteer policy PDF via link on the volunteers page.