Barry Miller

Calne, Wiltshire. My name is Barry Miller and for the last 17 years or so I have lived near the small town of Calne in Wiltshire once famous for it’s bacon. I have always been interested in Military and Family history. A pretty odd mix some might think but it is surprising how they are so intertwined. I had often noticed War Graves while I have been either out researching or simply wondering around country church yards and thought about the people who are buried there and if the family knew anything of their whereabouts. This last thought was brought home to me during me research into a second cousin who had “disappeared†during WWI. All the family knew was he had died during 1917 and had no known grave. I at once wanted to know more. Eventually, after some detective work based on and old photograph my late father acquired form the estate of another cousin, I tracked down Ben’s War Grave in France and put a family rumour to rest.Knowing that Ben had not simply disappeared and that the family knew where he was very satisfying so when I found out about The War Graves Photgraphic Project I contacted Steve Rogers asking if he would like me to photograph some graves that I knew about in Yatesbury All Saints church. Yatesbury had once been a WWI and WW2 airfield.
The project relies solely on volunteer help. If you believe you can help in any way (photographing, admin, sponsorship, etc) then please contact us. If you would like to help with the photography please download the Guidance and Volunteer policy PDF via link on the volunteers page.