Liz Crow

Northants As a teacher I visited Flanders and the Somme and visited many of the graves including those relatives of our students that we could find. I have developed an interest in WW1 in particular since these visits. My father asked me to find a picture of his Naval ship Tobago which fired my interest in WW2 and I've visited many of the aerodrome sites in Northants. My mum tells me about life in Higham Ferrers when the ‘Yanks’ were based at Chelveston. All this has led to an interest and hence my interest in helping with this project. Elizabeth Crow B.A.
The project relies solely on volunteer help. If you believe you can help in any way (photographing, admin, sponsorship, etc) then please contact us. If you would like to help with the photography please download the Guidance and Volunteer policy PDF via link on the volunteers page.