Merv Appleton

Born August 1949 in Redcar. Brought up in Kimberely, S Africa until the age of 5/6 yrs. For the next 10 yrs lived in Llanelli, S Wales until I developed the need to see the world as a Merchant Seaman. Married at 22yrs of age to Jean then joined the Royal Air Force three years later to complete 22 yrs service. We now live in Cardiff and the kids have flown the nest, thank you thank you! Became involved when tracing Jeans family tree and we were desperate for a photo of her Uncles headstone at Halfaya Sollum War Grave, Egypt. When we finally recieved it with the help of CWGC the emotional feeling and gratitude was overwhelming and that's when I decided to help others!
The project relies solely on volunteer help. If you believe you can help in any way (photographing, admin, sponsorship, etc) then please contact us. If you would like to help with the photography please download the Guidance and Volunteer policy PDF via link on the volunteers page.